How certificates make digitalization more secure
In the digital world, trust is a particularly decisive factor for communication. Digital certificates are the basis for secure and trusted communication on the net.
In the digital world, trust is a particularly decisive factor for communication. Digital certificates are the basis for secure and trusted communication on the net.
Be it due to necessity or conviction, Germans now work quite a lot from home on their PCs. For a while now, banking and shopping have been moving online. Working from home also received a boost recently and is changing working life permanently. Digital certificates are needed to ensure that electronic communications are secure and legally binding, creating basis for authentication, encryption and signature procedures.
Ransomware, data theft or spied content – e‑mail is the biggest gateway for cyberattacks. Attachments and links in e-mails are the most important door openers for malware infiltration. The damage to industry and the public sector is enormous and there is a strong upward trend. According to Bitkom, the German economy suffered damage amounting to EUR 100 billion due to cyberattacks in 2019.
In addition to economic and financial disadvantages, cyberattacks also lead to legal problems, in some cases major damage to a company’s reputation and a loss of trust among customers. What’s more, the security of electronic communications has become a key compliance factor. Both the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the IT Security Act (IT-SiG, IT-Sicherheitsgesetz) require appropriate technical and organization measures to protect personal data and improve IT security. Find out more in the white paper entitled: ‘Encrypt and sign. The path to secure and trusted e-mail communications.’
Digital certificates prove the identity of websites, people and machines and they encrypt our communication. Be it TLS/SSL certificates for trusted websites, personal or organization certificates, device certificates or PSD2 certificates for authentication at bank interfaces – they all have one thing in common, i.e., they ensure secure, encrypted communication.
Do you use or need a large number of certificates and would you like to manage them yourself? D‑Trust’s Managed PKI solution, the Certificate Service Manager (CSM), offers you a convenient and simple way to request and manage the certificates needed at your company. We can offer you a large choice of certificate types to meet your needs – all of them ‘Made in Germany’ and based on our own root as well as issuing CAs.
We will be pleased to advise you.