Simplified application for signature and seal cards for public authorities
Increasing numbers of public authorities are using electronic signatures to digitise the processes and documents in their organisation. To create qualified electronic signatures, employees in public authorities need to have their own signature cards issued to them. Applicants must always identify themselves personally. Frequently, identification procedures outside the organisation carried out by third parties are used for this purpose, e.g. the PostIdent or NotaryIdent procedure.
Shortened application process
In order to shorten the application process, BehördenIdent is an uncomplicated solution that verifies the identity of the applicant centrally on site in your public offices. The simplified, convenient identification procedure speeds up the introduction of official signature and seal cards for federal, state and municipal authorities.
The identification procedure for applying for qualified eIDAS-certified solutions was developed by D-Trust GmbH, the trust service provider of the Bundesdruckerei Group, and certified by TÜViT.
Your benefits at a glance
- Certified – TÜViT certified application process for qualified eIDAS certified solutions.
- Fast – shortened application process for faster use of official signature and seal cards
- Central – identification of applicants centrally on site in your organisation – no verification by external third parties necessary
- Tailor-made – different packages suitable for all organisation sizes and required number of signature cards
Product details
This is how BehördenIdent works
Employees of the authorities in the public sector who need a qualified signature card can easily apply for one directly in their own offices. BehördenIdent provides these organisations with the tools for the identification of applicants on site in their administrative offices as prescribed by law.
The data is recorded and the applicant identified by a person authorised in that administrative section, the BehördenIdent officer. That person confirms the identity of the applicant and the applicant’s bona fide status in the public authority. D-Trust provides a special application page for recording the applicant's personal details.
The BehördenIdent officer verifies the information and confirms the correctness of the application documents with the official seal. The central control concept of the procedure makes the previously used identification via third-parties unnecessary.
After receipt by D-Trust of the authorised application, it passes through the next process steps after checks that the application is complete. D-Trust produces the authorised signature or seal card and sends it to the applicant by registered mail.
Quickly and easily ready to face the digital age – the BehördenIdent packages at a glance:
D-Trust offers a range of BehördenIdent packages. In that way, BehördenIdent can be used by organisations of all sizes. Simply choose the package that is appropriate for your needs:
Certificate solutions that can be applied for with BehördenIdent:
- Qualified electronic signature cards: Individual, multiple or batch signature cards for up to 100 signature processes. Signature cards are always issued to natural persons, that is, individual employees, and are not transferable.
- Qualified electronic seal cards: Both individual and multiple seal cards. Seal cards are always issued to the legal entity, i.e. your organisation, and are transferable between employees. Individuals who are authorised to sign for the organisation are eligible to apply.
Preconditions for BehördenIdent
To be able to use BehördenIdent, the following requirements must be met:
- Framework agreement with D-Trust GmbH
- Access code from the contract
- Nomination of BehördenIdent officers on site
- Workstation with Internet access and printer for BehördenIdent officers
Frequently asked questions
With BehördenIdent, identification at a post office is no longer necessary. The legally required identification for applying for trust services is carried out entirely on your premises. To this end, you simply provide the names of your chosen identification staff to D-Trust. These employees are then requested to deposit a sample signature and an illustration of their official seal with D-Trust.
On the application page, which is programmed individually for each organisation, D-Trust can pre-define standardised points for selection by the applicants via a drop-down list. Prefilled content may include, for example, information on the organisation (i.e. the issuing authority) or on job titles or functions (which are stored in the certificate as job attributes).
The prefilling of contents is only possible with the BehördenIdent Komfort package.
If you are interested in our BehördenIdent packages, please contact the D-Trust sales team by email at vertrieb@d-trust.net.
Do you have any questions about BehördenIdent?
Our sales team will be happy to help you. Please feel free to contact us: