
Help with our D-Trust Signature and Seal Cards

Do you have any questions about our D-Trust Signature and Seal Cards? We are happy to help. Check out our FAQs - you might find the answer to your question there. You can also reach us Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm by calling the following phone number: + 49 (0)30 2598-0. 

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions about our D-Trust Signature and Seal Cards

Here, you will find answers to questions customers frequently ask us. You can order our Signature and Seal Cards via the D-Trust Portal , using a one-time registration.

Ordering cards

According to legal requirements, ordering a signature or seal card must always be accompanied by the personal identification of the applicant. This is prescribed by the eIDAS Regulation for trust services. For this purpose you are required to present an official identification document (e.g. ID card), passport, or electronic residence permit (eRP), which is valid for at least four weeks from the point of submission.

Please note: Only authorised signatories of an organisation can apply for a seal card.

You have the following identification options when submitting your application:

  • PostIdent : You fill out your application documents and have yourself identified at a post office using the PostIdent procedure. Alternatively, you can enter the PostIdent procedure number from the coupon given to you in the PostIdent app during the ordering process. This will provide you with fast and convenient identification using the online ID function of your German ID card.  Submit an application here.
  • NotarIdent: Complete your application documents and confirm your identity using a notary. Submit an application here
  • EmbasssyIdent: Complete your application documents and confirm your identity using a German embassy abroad. Submit a request here.
  • IHK: More than 60 Chambers of Industry and Commerce across Germany offer a member service for signature cards. You will be guided through the application process and your identity will be confirmed at the same time. You can find a list of participating IHK offices here.
  • D-Trust registration offices: We allow customers who have a higher demand of signature or seal cards to use their own identification process for their customers or employees. If your organisation wishes to become a registration office, please contact the D-Trust sales department ( For authorities and public agencies, D-Trust offers the agency identification process BehördenIdent. You can find more information here.
  • D-Trust on site in Berlin: Please contact us at

You can choose between various identification procedures in the application process. For customer projects, procedures for the identification of your own employees are also available as needed.

  • PostIdent procedure: You can fill out your application documents and undergo identification at a post office using the PostIdent procedure. Alternatively, you can enter the PostIdent procedure number from the coupon provided to you in the PostIdent app at the end of the ordering process. This will provide you with fast and convenient identification using the online ID function of your German ID card.  Submit an application here.
  • NotarIdent procedure: Complete your application documents and confirm your identity via a notary. Submit an application here. 
  • BotschaftsIdent procedure: Complete your application documents and confirm your identity via a German embassy abroad. Submit an application here.
  • IHK: More than 60 Chambers of Industry and Commerce across Germany offer a member service for signature cards. You will be guided through the application process while your identity is verified at the same time. You can find a list of participating IHK offices here.
  • OfficerIdent or BehördenIdent procedure: We give customers with a higher demand for signature or seal cards the opportunity to identify their customers/employees themselves. There are two procedures available for this. If your organisation wishes to become a registration office via OfficerIdent, please contact the D-Trust Sales Department ( For authorities and public agencies, D-Trust offers the agency identification process BehördenIdent.
  • Identification on site at D-Trust in Berlin: Please contact us at

Depending on the card type, all cards can currently can either be ordered via the D-Trust portal, or via special application pages. This page explains which link can be used to order your card: Ordering signature and seal cards

  • You’ve already got a D-Trust card and your certificate is about to expire? We’ll send you an email with instructions about what to do in this case.
  • You can order a follow-up card directly via this link. Please enter your application data in the form. You will then be offered the follow-up cards of D-Trust Card 4.1 or D-Tust Card 4.4 suitable for your product.
  • Please note that only first-time orders can currently be made via the D-Trust Portal. 

Do you have a D-Trust signature card which is about to expire? If so, you can apply for a follow-up card here.

As an alternative to applying for a follow-up card electronically via the SMS-TAN method, you can also request an order password to apply for a follow-up card digitally. After you request the order password, we will generate it and post it to you.

We offer a simplified application procedure, provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Your name has not changed.
  2. No more than 180 days have passed since the expiration of your previous signature card.
  3. You have not previously applied for more than two follow-up cards from D-Trust.
  4. The ID you submitted for identification purposes with the previous card is valid for at least another four weeks.

With our simplified application procedure, you do not need to submit an ID document for two follow-up card applications. On the third application for a follow-up card, we are obliged to request ID again for regulatory reasons. In this case, please order a new signature card via the D-Trust Portal or contact the issuing office of the organisation where you originally purchased your signature card.

Please note: A follow-up application is generally not possible for seal cards.

Please note that, due to regulatory requirements, an adjustment had to be made to the follow-up card order process at the beginning of 2023.

D-Trust must provide proof of current, renewed ID from the applicants at regular intervals. That is why an existing, valid ID can only be used to apply for a follow-up card twice.

If you are affected by this regulation, please order your new signature card via the D-Trust Portal or contact the issuing office of the organisation from which you originally purchased your signature card.

Have you completed the identification process and sent all necessary documents to D-Trust? This must be done before starting the production of your card. The production of your signature or seal card goes through various processes: from checking the documents for completion to creating the certificate. Therefore, please allow some time between requesting the signature or seal card and receiving it.

  1. The status of your orders and existing products is displayed directly in the dashboard of the D-Trust Portal. Please log in to the D-Trust Portal to query the status. 

When you log in, you will also find all of the steps and documents required to produce your card in the dashboard of the D-Trust Portalright next to the corresponding order. At the end of the order process, you will also be provided with a checklist for download. This is intended to assist you in the further processing of your application and in your personal identification.

  1. To view your follow-up card’s processing status, please go to  Status Query for Follow-Up Cards and enter your unique application ID, which you can find in the top right of the application form.

Certificates for qualified signature cards are always issued to the applicant (natural person). You can also have the name of the organisation where you are employed included in the certificate. In this case, an authorised signatory of the organisation must sign the organisation affiliation certificate (OZB) for your application. The OZB form is provided at the end of the application process and must be sent to D-Trust along with the application documents.

Please note: Seal certificates (made out to legal entities) always include the name of the organisation. Only authorised signatories of an organisation can apply for a qualified seal card.

In the D-Trust Portal, we offer two signature cards that include an occupational attribute.

  • The Profession D-Trust Card Standard, a signature card with occupational attribute for one signature per PIN entry.
  • The Profession D-Trust Card M100, a batch signature card with occupational attribute for up to 100 signatures per PIN entry.

An occupational attribute is only added to the certificate upon confirmation by a German professional association. Proof of D-Trust registration is required. You will receive a form in the order process, which you will need to have certified by the competent chamber. After this, please send the certified form to D-Trust along with your application documents.

D-Trust currently offers the following entries as occupational attributes:

  • Architect
  • Sworn translator
  • Engineer
  • Publicly appointed surveyor
  • Patent lawyer
  • Lawyer
  • Tax consultant
  • Veterinary surgeon
  • Auditor

Partnered with more than 60 Chambers of Industry and Commerce across Germany, D-Trust offers a member service for signature cards. You will be guided through the application process and your identity will be confirmed at the same time. You can find a list of participating IHK offices here.

For experts who participate in electronic legal communications with courts a fact sheet that explains the procurement and use of signature cards can be accessed via the following link:

In addition, more detailed FAQs regarding the IHK expert card can be found using this link:

For publicly appointed and sworn experts in craft occupations , D-Trust offers a special application page. If this applies to you, please use this application page to order your signature card.


The following cards are no longer available since October 2024

  • D-Trust Card 4.1 Standard
  • D-Trust Card 4.1 M100
  • D-Trust Card 4.1 Multi
  • Profession D-Trust Card 4.1 Standard
  • Profession D-Trust Card 4.1 M100
  • Seal D-Trust Card 4.4 Standard
  • Seal D-Trust Card 4.4 Multi

For regulatory reasons, these cards have been replaced by the newer “D-Trust Card 5.1” and “Siegel D-Trust Card 5.4” generation cards. All cards of this new generation are valid for up to 3 years.

The product D-Trust Card 4.1 is currently still UPC. Please note that we are only issuing this product with limited card validity until 28.09.2026.

You currently receive the cards D-Trust Card 4.1 (signature) and D-Trust Card 4.4 (seal) with a validity until 28.09.2026.

Please note that due to regulatory requirements, the use of these cards for qualified electronic signatures is only permitted until 28.09.2024. D-Trust is obligated to block these cards for use after this date. For this reason, starting from the fourth quarter of 2024, D-Trust will issue cards that have a maximum validity until 28.09.2024, instead of the usual two-year validity.

You will continue to receive cards from D-Trust with up to three years of validity (D-Trust Card 5.1 or D-Trust Card 5.4). These are based on a different card operating system and are not affected by this restriction.

Card activation and initialization

You will need the D-Trust Card Assistant software and your PIN letter to activate your D-Trust card.

You will always receive the link to download the free D-Trust Card Assistant software automatically by e-mail when your card is produced by D-Trust. We recommend that you always use the current version of D-Trust Card Assistant.

For security reasons, D-Trust provides all PIN and PUK codes via a PIN letter which is sent separately for each card.

Please see our special information page about using your card for the first time: Here you can find an overview of the respective requirements of the card generations D-Trust Card 4.1 /. D-Trust Card 4.4 as well as D-Trust Card 5.1 / D-Trust Card 5.4.

You will automatically receive the link to download the free D-Trust Card Assistant software by e-mail when your card is produced at D-Trust. We recommend that you always use the latest version of D-Trust Card Assistant.

The link provided by e-mail always has a limited validity. If this has expired, you can request a new one. To do so, simply click the link provided in the e-mail. Our system will automatically generate a new e-mail containing a download link for you. If this is not possible, please contact

An activation is always necessary to make it possible to check certificates. Activation is always mandatory in order to provide qualified electronic signatures or seals with your card.

  • All certificates of cards ordered via the D-Trust Portal are automatically activated approx. 24 hours after the cards are sent. It is not necessary to confirm receipt of the card and PIN letter. Please contact our support team ( if you have not received your card within 14 days after being notified of its dispatch.
  • For cards ordered via an alternative application method (e.g., follow-up cards), you must confirm receipt of the card and PIN letter. To do this, you should preferably use the electronic SMS-TAN method.  Your certificates will be activated shortly after entering the SMS-TAN.

Alternatively, return the postal confirmation of receipt – automatically enclosed with the PIN letter – to D-Trust. This acknowledgement of receipt must be signed by you personally. In the case of postal confirmation, your certificates will be activated after D-Trust has received the confirmation from you.

Please see our special information page about using your card for the first time: Here you can find an overview of the respective requirements of the card generations D-Trust Card 4.1 /. D-Trust Card 4.4 as well as D-Trust Card 5.1 / D-Trust Card 5.4.

You will need the D-Trust Card Assistant software and your PIN letter to activate your D-Trust card.

If you enter an incorrect card PIN more than three times, this PIN will be locked. To unlock the card, you will need your PUK and the D-Trust Card Assistant software, which you also need to activate the card.

We recommend that you always use the current version of D-Trust Card Assistant. The software is always made available to you for as a download when the card is sent to you.

Please note:

All cards are delivered with a PUK, which can unblock the following PINs, depending on the card:

  • Transport PIN
  • Signature or seal PIN (individually assigned)
  • Card PIN or AUT PIN (individually assigned)

Please follow the instructions of the D-Trust Card Assistant to unblock your PIN using the PUK. You can find help for your individual card on our overview page.

The CAN (card access number) is required for D-Trust Card 5.1 and D-Trust Card 5.4.

You will find your unique 6-digit CAN printed on the front of your card.

The CAN (card access number) is required for D-Trust Card 5.1 and D-Trust Card 5.4.

Entering the 6-digit CAN allows a secure channel to be established with the card chip, through which the card communicates with your software application. The CAN can be saved by the application so that it only needs to be entered upon first use.

Please note that the SMS-TAN method is not available for all order channels. In particular, it is not available for cards ordered in the D-Trust Portal. If the SMS-TAN method is offered as an option, you will be informed of this in the order process. In this case, your phone number is stored with D-Trust exclusively for this purpose and can be used for the SMS-TAN method.

Please note: If you have registered as a customer in the D-Trust Portal, the SMS-TAN method is not used. Products ordered via the portal do not support the SMS-TAN method. 

On our main overview page you can find a list of signature software from various manufacturers that you can use with our signature cards. What if your provider is not on the list? Please contact our sales department ( so that we can check whether the signature components support our cards.

Revoking signature and seal cards

If you have lost your signature or seal card, or it has fallen into the wrong hands, you must immediately revoke your certificates. Information about revocation can be found here.

Pursuant to the eIDAS regulation, a trust service provider (D-TRUST) must immediately revoke a qualified certificate if:

  • this is demanded by a signature key holder or their representative (third party authorised to revoke).
  • the certificate was issued on the basis of incorrect information.
  • the trust service provider discontinues its activities and these activities are not continued by another trust service provider.
  • the certificate holder (you) fails to fulfill their contractual obligations.
  • other reasons for revocation were stipulated in agreements.
  • the applicant complained that they did not receive their card and PIN letter within 14 days after receipt of a shipping notification.

As soon as you no longer need your signature or seal card, you can have it revoked or destroy it yourself – for instance, by using a hole punch – in order to destroy the chip. Please remember that you will need this card and its keys and PINs to once again decrypt any data that was encrypted using this card. Since you will still need the card for data decryption, you should store it in a secure location.

Revocation can be done in writing or electronically via the customer portal . For each card, a person authorised to revoke is kept on file for the organisation and is posted a revocation password by D-Trust.

Information about revocation can be found here.

SMS TAN method 

D-Trust offers the option to use SMS-TAN for orders that were not submitted via the D-Trust portal. This also applies to all orders submitted to D-Trust before December 2021, or orders made after this date via alternative application routes (e.g. via D-Trust partners, customers, or resellers). 

If you have registered as a customer in the D-Trust Portal, the SMS-TAN method is not used. Products ordered via the portal do not support the SMS-TAN method. 

Please note that the SMS-TAN method is not available for all order channels. In particular, it is not available for cards ordered in the D-Trust Portal. If the SMS-TAN method is offered as an option, you will be informed of this in the order process. In this case, your phone number is stored by D-Trust exclusively for this purpose and can be used for the SMS-TAN method.

Please note: If you have registered as a customer in the D-Trust Portal, the SMS-TAN method is not offered. Products ordered via the portal do not support the SMS-TAN method. 

The SMS/TAN method offers the following options:

  • Electronic Activation

    You confirm receipt of the card and PIN letter via SMS/TAN. In this process, the card is typically activated within 30 minutes. However, due to system requirements, this can take up to 24 hours in some cases. In any case, you will receive an e‑mail confirmation and can then start using your signature card.

Note: If you ordered your card via the D-Trust portal, activation is not necessary.

  • Electronic Revocation

    If you suspect that your signature card is being misused or if it has been lost, you can have it revoked quickly and easily via SMS/TAN in the revocation portal . 

Note: Please note that not all cards provided via the D-Trust portal can be revoked using the SMS/TAN method. These cards can be revoked once you have logged into the D-Trust portal. More information about certificate revocation can be found here.

  • Electronic Request for a Follow-Up Card

    You can use the SMS/TAN method as a digital alternative for applying for a follow-up card for the second time without renewed identification. If all requirements are met, the request will be sent electronically to D-Trust. Sending the application documents by post to D-Trust will not be necessary.
  • Electronic Card Replacment

    When you request a replacement for a signature card, your application information will be displayed when the SMS/TAN method is used. Thus, it will not be necessary to re-enter your information. 

    Alternatively, you can request a replacement card from D-Trust by completing a new request.

Note: For cards ordered via the D-Trust portal, you will find the replacement request option directly in the portal. More information on requesting a replacement for your signature or seal can be found here.

General questions

Please see our special information page about using your card for the first time: Here you can find an overview of the respective requirements of the card generations D-Trust Card 4.1 / D-Trust Card 4.4 as well as D-Trust Card 5.1 / D-Trust Card 5.4.

To use your signature/seal card, you will need a card reader and additional software, depending on the application you wish to use. 

You can purchase suitable card readers, middleware or signature software from REINER SCT in the shop for D-Trust customers.

D-Trust works with many manufacturers of signature software. You can find a list of providers on our overview page.

Certain applications such as Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes or Firefox do not communicate directly with the reader and require “middleware” (for example, Nexus Personal) or SC Interface cryptovision.

Different key procedures are used with the D-Trust signature cards. For this reason, please note that the Nexus Personal software only supports D-Trust single signature cards (D-Trust Card Standard or D-Trust Card UPC). It is not possible to use batch or multi-signature cards with this.

For batch or multi-signature cards, the software of the manufacturer cryptovision (SC Interface) can be used.

Here you will find an excerpt of current applications that support qualified electronic signatures.

A D-Trust 4.1 Standard card is required to use the signature cards in the ELSTER portal. In addition to this single signature card, the ELSTER portal works with the Nexus Personal middleware, which is mandatory.

The D-Trust M100 and Multi signature cards are therefore not suitable for this application. Please order our D-Trust 4.1a Standard card. You can get the card in the D-Trust portal.

If necessary, you can obtain the Nexus Personal middleware from REINER SCT in the shop for D-Trust customers.

For the Unified Patent Court (UPC) application, a signature card is required that contains a qualified certificate for authentication for the application in addition to a qualified certificate for the electronic signature.

The normal D-Trust signature cards are therefore not suitable for this application. Please order our D-Trust Card 4.1a UPC. You can obtain the card in the D-Trust portal.

The D-Trust Card 4.1a UPC is a single signature card.

You will receive the D-Trust Card Assistant software free of charge when the card is sent. You will need this software to set up your card for the first time (PIN assignment).

To use the card with the UPC application, you need:

  • a card reader
  • additional software (known as middleware) for the authentication application
  • signature software

The cards work smoothly with cryptovision’s SC Interface middleware, which is already being used frequently by patent attorneys through their work with the European Patent Office (EPO).

If you are not yet using any middleware, you have the option of purchasing the Nexus Personal program along with signature software and a suitable card reader from REINER SCT in the shop for D-Trust customers . 


You do not need a qualified seal card for customs’ ICS2 (Import Control System 2) application. The use of the D-Trust Qualified Seal ID is recommended for the ICS2 application.

The application of the EU product database EPREL (European Product Registry for Energy Labelling) requires the use of qualified seals. Please order at least one qualified seal card (single-seal card, D-Trust Standard seal card) in the D-Trust portal. If you already have a D-Trust Multi-seal card, you can use this card as well.

The seal card is only used once to add a seal to the company registration information stored with EPREL and thereby confirm it. This seal is required both for newly added companies as well as for companies that have been registered with EPREL for a while. The company information whose origin and identity are confirmed in this way is stored in the EPREL database.

The use of the D-Trust Qualified Seal ID is not permitted for the EPREL application.

The application of the EU product database EPREL (EU Product Database for Energy Labelling) requires the use of qualified seals. One special feature is the required entry of the so-called organisation identifier (pursuant to Standard ETSI EN 319 412-1) in the EU portal interface of the EPREL application. 

In order to read out the organisation identifier from your D-Trust seal card, you will need the D-Trust Card Assistant software. This will be provided for you as a free download when you order a seal card from D-Trust. Please observe the instructions in the PDF guide on reading out the organisation identifier.

The product designation is always printed on your card. Since February 2025, D-Trust has been producing cards with an adapted version of the QSCD. You can recognize this adapted version if “v1.2” is printed after the product designation (example: “D-Trust Card 5.1 M100 v1.2”). You will also find detailed information on the chip used (CardOS 6.0 ID R1.2) on your delivery bill.

The seal card is only used once to add a seal to the company registration information stored with EPREL and thereby confirm it. This seal is required both for newly added companies, as well as for companies that have been registered with EPREL for a while. The company information whose origin and identity are confirmed in this way are stored in the EPREL database.

A standard signature or seal card is designed for individual signatures for each PIN entry in the workplace. Batch and multi cards differ from standard cards as they allow for multiple signature processes with a one-time PIN entry. 

In addition, the cryptographic keys used in the cards also differ. While the standard cards work with RSA keys, multi-sign cards use ECC-based keys.

D-Trust multi-sign cards are secured environments, such as server rooms. f you need multiple signatures in your office, please use the D-Trust Card M100 for batch signatures of up to 100 per PIN entry. 

D-Trust does not offer batch processing cards for qualified seals.

In all cases, special licensed signature software is required to use a multi-sign card.

Our cards at a glance:

Card designation Application area Number of documents processed per PIN entry
Signature D-Trust Card 5.1 Std. Signature per 1 document
Signature D-Trust Card 5.1 M100 Signature up to 100 documents
Signature D-Trust Card 5.1 Multi Signature unlimited
Seal D-Trust Card 5.4 Std Seal per 1 document
Seal D-Trust Card 5.4 Multi Seal unlimited
Signature D-Trust Card 4.1a UPC Seal and authentication per 1 document

Unlike a signature card, the certificates of a seal card are issued to a legal entity (e. g. a public agency or organisation). Since no natural person is named in the seal card certificate, a seal card can be used by all authorised employees. Seal cards are always used when a stamp or confirmation by an organisation is required (e. g. certificates, notices, etc.).

On our main overview page you can find a list of signature software from various manufacturers that you can use with our signature cards. What if your provider is not on the list? Please contact our sales department ( so that we can check whether the signature components support our cards.

The certificate of a signature card contains the following personal data: surname, first name (name used) and optionally an e-mail address.

Please note that the preferred first name (name used) must be stated in the application process. The number of characters in the certificate is limited, so the name used is fallen back on, especially in the case of multiple first names.

Organisational information or certificate extensions, such as pseudonyms or monetary restrictions, can be entered in the certificate as well.

To add a selected occupational attribute to a signature card, please order the D-Trust card with an occupational attribute (Profession D-Trust Card). The occupational attribute will need to be verified. You must submit a confirmation (e.g., from an official professional association) with the application.

You can have a pseudonym in your certificate. The pseudonym will then appear in the certificate instead of your name. This will be indicated by ":PN".

A fee is charged for each pseudonym which can be assigned just once.

Pseudonyms requested for D Trust standard cards or for a D-Trust Multicard 100 are generally assigned by D-Trust.

A chosen pseudonym that, for example  refers to the company name or describes the purpose of the signature card, can be entered in the application in conjunction with a D-Trust Multicard. If the pseudonym selected already exists, we will have to reject or number your selected pseudonym.

It makes sense to enter a pseudonym, for example, when multi-sign cards are used for electronic invoice management.

Please note: Many eGovernment applications cannot be used if the certificate contains a pseudonym. Pseudonyms are generally not used on seal cards.

No, a signature card that has been issued to a natural person may only be used by this person. All legally binding declarations made in this way are always deemed to be made by the owner of the certificate, no matter who actually used the signature card. Therefore, you should always take particularly good care of your signature card, store it in safe place and never disclose your personal PIN. Please cancel your card if you suspect it has been misused.

Please note: A D-Trust seal card that has been issued to a legal entity can be used by several authorised individuals.

You can purchase additional products for your signature or seal card, such as readers from REINER SCT in the shop for D-Trust customers. Please also note the information about the various card generations on our overview page.

We regularly test the devices of various manufacturers in combination with our card products.

You can find a list of recommended devices on our overview page. Please not in particular that the firmware of your card reader may require an update so that you can use D-Trust Card 5.1 or D-Trust Card 5.4.

The cyberJack e-com device is no longer recommended for use with our cards.

Card readers can be purchased from
 REINER SCT in the shop for D-TRUST customers.

You can order additional cards issued in your name. You can find the appropriate links to the product you require in our order overview.

For security reasons your PIN letter will be sent to you two days after the signature or seal card was sent.

Please first contact our support team to address potential causes. You can find additional information about filing claims regarding our card products here.


You will receive an email from us in time stating that your signature or seal card is due to expire.

You can then request a follow-up card for your signature card D-Trust Card 4.1). Please submit your follow-up card request here.

We offer a simplified application procedure, provided that the following two conditions are met:

  1. Your name has not changed.
  2. No more than 180 days have passed since the expiration of your previous signature card.
  3. The ID you submitted for identification purposes with the previous card is valid for at least four more weeks.

As part our simplified application procedure, you do not need to submit an ID document to request the follow-up card.

Please note: A follow-up application for seal cards is not available.


Adobe Reader automatically recognises signatures in documents and allows you to view a signature window. This window displays valid signatures with a green mark and you can see further details.

If Adobe Reader shows the signature as unknown, you can update the trust services.

In your Adobe Reader, go to “Edit” and select “Settings.” You will find the item “Trust Services” here. At this point, you can trigger an update to the latest version of the Adobe Trusted List and the European Trusted List. After an update, the previously unknown signature should be shown as valid when checked again.


LDAP stands for “Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.” It is essentially the public telephone directory for digital certificates. Here you can query the status of certificates in the D-Trust directory service .

Depending on the certificate product selected, the certificates are published in the LDAP directory service. For signature and seal cards, you can select in the application process whether you would like to use this option.

Please note in this regard that some applications require publication in the LDAP. These include, for example, the Federal Procurement platform and the Emissions Trading Authority.

You can revoke consent to publish certificates in the D-Trust online certificate database effective for the future at any time. Please indicate your application ID on the written revocation request and send it to to D-Trust GmbH, Antragsbearbeitung (application processing department), Kommandantenstr. 15, 10969 Berlin, Germany.

If you decide to opt out of D-Trust’s online certificate database entries, this decision cannot be reversed at a later date.



Initialization of your D-Trust Card


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